Monday, January 10, 2011

Looking to the Future - Running

As you can probably guess, got lots of ideas for posts today so I might just keep on posting.

In order for Erin and I to keep practicing, we need to start looking for the future. Think of it, as Bill Murray’s character learned in “What About Bob”, as Baby Steps. These are the races we are thinking about doing in the future:

Jan 8: Rocklin 10K – So not really in the future, but it was one on our list to do while training for the Marathon

March 5th: Bidwell Classic Half Marathon OR March 19th: Whale Run 10K- My dream is to eventually do the Bidwell Classic in Chico. My dad use to run it, and my family would go and support him. Remember a guy from the Oldies station there and a park with a bridge. Ah memories. I can’t remember if we drove there that morning, or slept in a hotel. I think this year, we’ll probably do the Fort Bragg Whale Run. Too early for a Half Marathon

April 10th: Zoo Zoom with Conner – This one I won’t be doing my best on. This will be Conner’s first run, and I want to spend the time with him running it. Encouraging and seeing him get through it.

May 22nd: Windsor Half Marathon – First Half Marathon, also a new Half Marathon. I looked for new stuff, things that we could get excited about. If we have to drive a little to get there, so be it.

October 2nd: Urban Cow Half Marathon – Another first. Unfortunately, this one is in Sacramento, I find running here a bore.

December 10th: Walnut Creek Half Marathon – This will be about the time I hope to be doing 20 miles on the weekend. This one should be easy for both Erin and I, and hopefully our time will show it.

Thought this was interesting:

8/11 ? 8/14: - This one looks like a lot of fun. We are considering doing this one, if we can find the time.

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